HowMuchProteinDoYouNeedEachDay?HowMuchProteinDoYouNeedEachDay?Giphy GIFGiphy GIF

How Much Protein Do You Need Each Day?

How to Calculate How Much Protein You Need
You should get between 10% and 35% of your protein calories from food. For a typical sedentary adult, the suggested dietary allowance is 0.8 grams per kilogram of body mass. What does protein look like in examples of food?
A burrito made from eggs and beans paired with a glass of milk is almost 30 grams of protein. Eating a banana, one hard-boiled egg, and some Greek yogurt will net you almost 20 grams of protein.
• Babies require roughly 10 grams each day.
• Children of school-age need 19–34 grams each day.
• The daily need for teen males is 52 grams.
• Young women require 46 grams per day.
• An average man needs 56 grams each day.
• Adult women require roughly 46 grams per day (71 grams, if pregnant or breastfeeding)
1.2–1.7 grams per kilogram are required for people who routinely lift weights or are preparing for a race on foot or by bicycle.
Things to Consider When Determining Your Protein Intake
There are a few crucial factors to take into account before you start increasing your daily protein intake. Do not interpret “get more protein” as “eat more meat”.
The “protein package”—the fats, carbs, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that typically accompany protein—must also be taken into account. Choose protein sources that are high in nutrients and low in saturated fat and processed carbs.
Dietary math dictates that if you raise protein, you must reduce other foods in order to maintain a constant daily calorie consumption.